I n a paper communicated to the Geological Society on December 5th, 1860 (and published in vol. xvii. p. 85 of the Quarterly Journal), by Professor Nicol, a section on the north side of Loch Maree is given, with the order of succession of the rocks and their supposed relations to the underlying metamorphic series. This section is there referred to by him, with others, as offering evidence in the support of views which he had previously communicated to the Society, and as opposed to the idea of a conformable upward succession from the limestone series to the so-called Upper Gneiss of Sir Roderick Murchison. The section is taken in a direction from W. to E., and the following is the order in which the rocks are described:— a , gneiss; b , red sandstones unconformable on a ; c , quartzite conformable on b ; d , limestone conformable on c ; s , diorite (intrusive); then a fault; and beyond this the western gneiss, a , again brought up by the fault.