Potassium is Involved in Apatite Biomineralization

The biogenetic formation of mineral crystals, one aspect of biomineralization, is a multistep process of apatite formation throughout the growth of dentin tissue. An important step is the transformation of the non-mineralized predentin matrix to mineralizing dentin matrix and its biological control. In this study, the high capacity of elemental mapping is combined with single x-ray point measurements to elucidate whether special elements are involved in initiation or regulation of mineral nucleation. Directly at the mineralization front, micro-areas with a strong co-enrichment of phosphorus (e.g., as phosphate) and potassium are found. During the beginning of the calcium enrichment and the subsequent apatite mineral formation in the characteristic micro-areas, the content of potassium decreases significantly. These findings indicate that potassium is involved in the process of dentin mineralization.