The effects of the spin of central black holes on the structure and the spectrum of optically thin, advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) around rotating supermassive black holes are investigated. The global two-temperature structure of ADAFs in the Kerr metric is obtained numerically by solving the full relativistic hydrodynamical equations including the energy equations for the ions and for the electrons. The advected fraction of the dissipated energy is not treated as a parameter and the detailed radiation processes are calculated self-consistently. We find that the two-temperature structure of ADAFs is accurately calculated by setting the advected fraction of the dissipated energy to be unity. We find that the particles are hotter when a is positive than when a = 0, while the particles are cooler when a is negative than when a = 0. The changes in a have less effect on the electron temperature than on the ion temperature. The spectra of the emitted photons are also calculated by solving the equations of the general relativistic optics. The entire part of the spectra is enhanced when a is positive, while the entire part of the spectra is reduced when a is negative, in comparison with the case of a = 0. The spectrum of the synchrotron photons and the Comptonized synchrotron photons are modified more largely by the black hole spin and the inclination angle than the spectrum of the bremsstrahlung photons. The effect of the inclination angle on the spectra increases as the value of a increases. In the case of a = -0.95, the inclination has little effect on the shape of the spectrum. The spectrum of Sgr A* from the radio band to the X-ray band is nicely reproduced with the model of an ADAF around a high-spin black hole. The existence of a high-spin black hole at the Galactic center is not ruled out by the ADAF model.