Ipsilateral Actions of Feline Corticospinal Tract Neurons on Limb Motoneurons

Contralateral pyramidal tract (PT) neurons arising in the primary motor cortex are the major route through which volitional limb movements are controlled. However, the contralateral hemiparesis that follows PT neuron injury on one side may be counteracted by ipsilateral of actions of PT neurons from the undamaged side. To investigate the spinal relays through which PT neurons may influence ipsilateral motoneurons, we analyzed the synaptic actions evoked by stimulation of the ipsilateral pyramid on hindlimb motoneurons after transecting the descending fibers of the contralateral PT at a low thoracic level. The results show that ipsilateral PT neurons can affect limb motoneurons trisynaptically by activating contralaterally descending reticulospinal neurons, which in turn activate spinal commissural interneurons that project back across to motoneurons ipsilateral to the stimulated pyramidal tract. Stimulation of the pyramids alone did not evoke synaptic actions in motoneurons but potently facilitated disynaptic EPSPs and IPSPs evoked by stimulation of reticulospinal tract fibers in the medial longitudinal fascicle. In parallel with this double-crossed pathway, corticospinal neurons could also evoke ipsilateral actions via ipsilateral descending reticulospinal tract fibers, acting through ipsilaterally located spinal interneurons. Because the actions mediated by commissural interneurons were found to be stronger than those of ipsilateral premotor interneurons, the study leads to the conclusion that ipsilateral actions of corticospinal neurons via commissural interneurons may provide a better opportunity for recovery of function in hemiparesis produced by corticospinal tract injury.