Scale factorsR(t)and critical values of the cosmological constantΛin Friedmann universes

The authors review the equations, notational choices, and confusing terminology of the Friedmann (zero-pressure) and Lemaître cosmological models, retaining cgs units as far as practical and in particular retaining units cm2 for the present Gaussian curvature K0 of three-space. They integrate the Friedmann equation numerically, requiring solutions to match the present Hubble parameter H0 and mass-density ("closure") parameter Ω0 at present time t0=0, and generate families of curves showing the scale factor R(τ) (with R0=1) vs τ (time in units H01) for fixed Ω0 and various values of the cosmological constant Λ (in units H02). These unusual graphs show the continuity of the solutions and the physical significance of Λ. Families for several values of Ω0 exhibit known but unfamiliar features. The authors also show the family of "standard models" (Λ=0) and the family satisfying the "inflationary constraint" (K0=0). They obtain new and simple formulas for the critical value Λs(H0,Ω0), which separates models with a big bang from those without. Their definition of Λs at fixed H0 and Ω0 differs from usual practice but proves useful. These formulas also give the quasistatic scale factor Rs and redshift zs for the corresponding Eddington-Lemaître model, and give Rs and zs approximately for the neighboring "Lemaître coasting models," which have Λ<Λs. The conventional wisdom that Λ=Λc(1+ɛ) for the coasting models applies to a different characteristic value Λc. A quasistatic state in the future, with a second critical value Λs2, is possible if