The total protein content; the sodium, potassium and calcium concentration and the flow rate of secretion of parotid saliva were studied in 26 women during pregnancy and 8 weeks after parturition. All the women were examined in the 12th, 18th, 24th, 30th, 34th and 38th weeks of pregnancy as well as 1 to 3 days and 8 weeks after delivery. During pregnancy there was a decrease in the flow rate, but an increase in the total protein concentration, of both resting and citric acid stimulated parotid saliva. No changes could be demonstrated in the sodium concentration of resting saliva. In stimulated saliva the sodium concentration decreased during pregnancy. There was a positive correlation between sodium concentration and flow rate. The potassium and the calcium concentrations of both resting and stimulated parotid saliva increased during pregnancy and decreased after delivery. There was no correlation between potassium concentration and flow rate of resting or stimulated saliva. In resting saliva there was a negative correlation between the calcium concentration and flow rate.