Editorials: Sodium Balance in Hemodialysis Therapy

Water and sodium overload is the predominant factor in the pathogenesis of hypertension in dialysis patients. In many dialysis patients, dry weight is not reached because of an imbalance between the interdialytic accumulation of water and sodium and the brief and discontinuous nature of routine dialysis therapy. During dialysis, sodium is removed by convection and to a lesser degree by diffusion. However, with supraphysiologic dialysate sodium concentrations, diffusive influx from dialysate may occur, especially in patients with low predialytic plasma sodium concentrations. Measuring sodium removal during dialysis is difficult and hampered by the variability in conventional sodium measurements. Ionic mass removal by continuous measurement of conductivity in the dialysate ports appears to be a promising tool for the approximation of sodium removal during dialysis. While the beneficial effects of concomitant water and sodium removal on blood pressure control in dialysis patients are undisputed, it is less well known whether a change in hydrosodium balance solely by reducing dialysate sodium is beneficial. Considering the inherent dangers of such an approach (intradialytic hemodynamic instability), the beneficial effects of strict dietary sodium restriction appear to be of much larger clinical benefit. It has become possible to individualize dialysate sodium concentration by means of online measurements of plasma conductivity and adjustment of dialysate conductivity by feedback technologies. The clinical benefits of this approach deserve further study. Still, reducing dietary sodium intake remains the most important tool in improving blood control in dialysis patients.