Pulsed dye laser treatment of recalcitrant verrucae: A preliminary report

Patients with recalcitrant warts on the fingers and hands, periungual, and other parts of the body including verrucae plana and plantar surfaces were treated using the pulsed dye laser at 585 nm, 450 usec, and a spotsize of 5 mm diameter. Of the 39 patients treated, 28 (72%) were cleared of their warts after an average of 1.68 treatments at fluences of 6.25–7.5 J/cm2. Seven (18%) patients had a reduction of between 80–95% of their warts after 1.3 treatments, and verrucae reduced by 50% in four of the 39 patients after one treatment. The average follow-up period of the 28 cases cleared of their warts has been 5 months. Of this group, those with periungual warts have been followed for up to 6.4 months, compared to 4.8 months for those with warts on other parts of their body, 4.0 months for those with finger and hand warts, and 2.0 months for plantar warts. Only one of the 28 patients has had a recurrence after 3 months of clearance.