Calculation of the P- and T-odd spin-rotational Hamiltonian of the PbF molecule

The electron wavefunctions for two states of the PbF molecule are calculated. For the ground state of the molecule, tensor components of the hyperfine interaction of the valence electron with the nuclear spin of Pb, electric and magnetic dipole moments and electron matrix elements of P-odd and P, T-odd interactions are calculated. In accordance with the calculation an effective spin-rotational Hamiltonian for the molecule is given. The Hamiltonian includes the parity-non-conserving terms and the interaction with the external fields. The spin-rotational spectrum of the PbF molecule is found to be rather complicated; this is connected with the large anisotropy of the hyperfine A tensor. The results of the present work can be used in planning future experiments on the search for P-odd and P, T-odd phenomena in molecules.