Elastin Content of the Human Lung.

The concentration of elastin in the adult human lung was determined in normal parenchyma and in parenchyma subjacent to areas of bulla formation. The amount of elastin was considered to be the difference in weight between W-l, the residue after digestion of the tissue in 0.1 N NaOH, and W-2, the residue after further digestion under pressure of W-l in 6 N KOH. The 2d digestion eliminates the error due to insoluble substances of the lung other than elastin. The average per cent elastin of the dry weight of the lung was 8.28- 0.6.The elastin content of the normal lung increased 0.816%/decade of life. No significant difference was found between men and women. Concentration of elastin in lung parenchyma subjacent to areas of bulla formation was significantly reduced.