1. What appear to be certain definite stages in the migration of the malarial parasite from red corpuscle to red corpuscle may be demonstrated by thorough and persistent observations,—not minutes spent on each specimen, but many hours. 2. The migration of the malarial parasite from red corpuscle to red corpuscle gives a reasonable explanation of the loss of red corpuscles which cannot be accounted for by the destruction of the infected corpuscles at the time the parasites segment. 3. Migration to other red corpuscles is a satisfactory explanation of the ultimate fate of the young parasites seen in instances of multiple infection of single corpuscles. 4. In the light of the facts here presented, it would seem impossible to explain the instances of the parasites partly on and partly off degenerated red corpuscles as the result of technique. A stage in the migration of the parasite seems to me to be the probable interpretation of the phenomenon. 5. A corpuscular mound encircled by an adult parasite, when seen at the periphery of the red corpuscle, should have the same significance and interpretation in reference to the extracellular relation of the parasite to the corpuscle, that it has when it is seen in connection with a young parasite. 6. The adult ring-form parasite should have the same interpretation as the young ring-form parasite. 7. Attachment to the external surface of the red corpuscles seems to me to be the only possible interpretation of the appearances of the parasites pictured in this article.