Large scale spatial and temporal variation in recruitment to fish populations on coral reefs

Visual census was used to sample young of the year of fish species recruited to each of two habitats on seven lagoonal platform reefs of the Capricorn-Bunker Group, Great Barrier Reef. The reefs sampled span an area 70 km in extent. In 1983, 62 species from 13 families were detected as recruits on reef slope sites. The total number of cruits, and the number of each of 6 of 16 species tested, differed significantly among reefs, despite the fact that differences among sites within reefs did not exist, and that sampled slopes were chosen to be hydrographically, and physiographically as similar as possible. Lagoonal patch reefs were sampled in two years. In 1982, 76 species of 11 families occurred as recruits. In 1983, 86 species of 12 families were recorded. All of 22 species common enough to test showed some significant variation in abundance among reefs, years, or both. For 9 species, significant year x reef interactions occurred, demonstrating that relative recruitment success among reefs varied between years. Reasons for the substantial levels of variability are discussed, and implications for the organisation of reef fish communities are considered.