Activated conduction in amorphous Cr-SiOx thin films

The electrical conductivity of reactively sputtered amorphous Cr-SOx thin films with Cr-to-Si ratio of 28 to 72 and oxygen concentrations co above the critical concentration ccr O of the metal-insulator transition has been measured in the temperature range 50 mK-300 K. The low-temperature conductivity obeys the law σ(T)=σ0 exp[-T 0/T)α with α changing from 1/4 to 1/2 to 1 with decreasing temperature. The corresponding temperature regions and conductivity parameters depend systematically on c o The results are related to a composition-dependent density N(E) of states near EF, which shows with increasing energy a hard Coulomb gap (α = 1), a soft Coulomb gap (α=1/2) and a nearly constant value (α=1/4).

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