The effect of prolonged administration of chlorpromazine on the critical fusion frequency (CFF) was studied. Six patients received the drug and six patients on placebo served as controls. The drug effect was tested regularly for five weeks. Two tests were done on experimental days: One before (session one[long dash]base line values) and one 1 1/2 to 2 hours after the administration of medication (session 2[long dash]individual drug values). The placebo group showed neither immediate nor long range change in the basal or in the individual dose values. In the drug group the administration of chlorpromazine caused an initial drop of the individual CFF values (session 2), but this drop from the base line gradually diminished with continued drug administration. This suggests that prolonged chlorpromazine administration produces tolerance to some of its effects. The gradual decrease of the basal CFF values during the five-week experiment seems to indicate a cumulative action of chlorpromazine on brain and/or cortico-visual pathways.