The sources of Uranus' Dominant nightside radio emissions

We examine the broad bandwidth radio emission detected by Voyager 2 over the nightside of Uranus. We conclude that the source location of the smooth component is consistent with emission originating near the electron gyrofrequency from a small set of field lines whose foot points lie near the Uranomagnetic southern (dark) pole. The source centroid is at L = 11.5, and extends in latitude between L ≃ 8 and L ≃ 25. This deduced source region is primarily on closed field lines that pass through the outer radiation belt and have their opposite foot points near the Uranomagnetic northern pole near the present epoch terminator. The source location of the bursty component is less well defined but is consistent with the set of open field lines which map down to the region surrounding the planet's south magnetic dipole tip.

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