Effects of somatic cell count and stage of lactation on raw milk composition and the yield and quality of Cheddar cheese

Summary: The effects of somatic cell count and stage of lactation on the yield and quality of Cheddar cheese were investigated. Cheese was manufactured in a pilotscale factory using milk of low bulk milk cell count (BMCC) from herds in early (LE) and late (LL) lactation, and milk of high BMCC from herds in early (HE) and late (HL) lactation. The deleterious effect of an elevated BMCC on product yield and quality in late lactation was clear. Cheese made from LL milk was significantly superior to that made from HL milk for most yield and quality characteristics measured. Stage of lactation also affected cheese yield and quality, as evidenced by the lower recovery of fat and poorer flavour score for cheese from LL milk compared with that manufactured from LE milk. The observed differences could be explained largely by differences in raw milk composition. We conclude that the effect of stage of lactation was magnified by an elevated BMCC, and that many of the problems encountered when processing late season milk could be overcome by containing mastitis at this time.