H+ Excretion in the Marine Teleost Parophrys Vetulus

This study examined the branchial, renal and blood acid-base responses of a marine teleost to intravascular infusion of mineral acid (HC1 at 1000 μequiv/kg). In all animals the renal response was insignificant for at least 3 days following infusion. Two types of branchial and blood acid-base response were seen. Either the infused load disappeared rapidly from the extracellular into the intracellular compartment and was slowly cleared from the body (+16h following infusion) or, more commonly, remained in the extracellular compartment until rapidly cleared by a pronounced increase in branchial excretion. In the latter the amount excreted exceeded that infused by about twofold on average. These responses are discussed in relation to those of freshwater teleosts.