A series of omega-aminoalkanesulfonic acids (1-5) and omega-guanidinoalkanesulfonic acids (6-9) has been tested for antistaphylococcal and antifibrinolytic activities. Most of the omega-aminoalkanesulfonic acids and 6 produced better protection against Staphylococcus aureus infections in mice than gamma-aminobutyryl-L-histidine. Compound 4 was the best antistaphylococcal agent among the omega-aminoalkanesulfonic acids and compound 6 among the omega-guanidinoalkanesulfonic acids. Most of the omega-aminoalkanesulfonic acids have antifibrinolytic activity, while none of the omega-guanidinoalkanesulfonic acids has significant antifibrinolytic activity. Compound 4 possessed the highest antifibrinolytic activity which was equal to or greater than that of epsilon-aminohexanoic acid.