Studies on the Escherichia-Aerobacter Intermediates

A detailed study of the cultural characteristics of 29 methyl-red positive and Voges-Proskauer negative Escherichia-Aerobacter "intermediate" cultures is presented. On the basis of citrate utilization, H2S production and the fermentation of cellobiose and a-methylglucoside, these cultures can be divided into 6 major groups; the existence of 25 subgroups is brought out by additional tests for motility, the production of indole and the fermentation of other carbohydrates. No single characteristic has been found which will differentiate all the members of this "intermediate" group from both Escherichia and Aerobacter. The relationship of these cultures to Escherichia and Aerobacter is discussed, and the opinion is expressed that they should be allocated to the Escherichia genus.