Pleural mesothelioma after a short interval from first exposure in the wine filter industry

Pleural mesotheliomas are usually reported after a long interval has passed since first exposure to asbestos. We, however, describe a case observed after a latent period of only 7.5 years in a worker exposed in a factory manufacturing auxiliary products for wine treatment, including chrysotile asbestos filters. The exposure to asbestos lasted 3‐4 months per year, during which airborne fiber concentrations ranged from 1 to 4 ff/cc in the patient's workplace. Due to the characteristics of the manufacturing process, the asbestos fibers were very thin in diameter. The patient also suffered from nasal breathing impairment. An examination of the literature showed that asbestos‐related mesotheliomas have been reported, albeit rarely, after less than 10 years from onset of exposure. Therefore, it is believed that this case should be related to past exposure to asbestos.