Conversion factor for CT dosimetry to assess patient dose using a 256-slice CT scanner

Recent rapid progress in CT technology has yielded equipment with large numbers of detector rows and standard computed tomography dose index (CTDI) is therefore no longer an adequate integration range. An integration range of 300 mm is necessary to accurately measure dose under a nominal beam width of 128 mm due to scattered radiation. However, such a long phantom is inconvenient to use routinely in cone-beam CT patient dose checking. To assess patient dose accurately with standard dosimetry methods, we determined a conversion factor (CF) which was calculated from the weighted dose profile integral (DPIw) for the 300 mm integration range with a 300 mm long CTDI phantom using a 300 mm long ionization chamber divided by that for the 100 mm integration range with a standard CTDI phantom (140 mm long) with a 100 mm long chamber. CF values increase with increasing nominal beam width and effective energy in the range from 1.5 to 2.0. CF values can also be adapted for use with other CT systems as their dose profiles are thought to be analogous to those for the 300 mm phantom and are useful in any hospital situation to assess accurate patient doses using standard dosimetry methods.