Mapping the Auroral Oval into the Magnetotail Using Dynamics Explorer Plasma Data.

The mapping of the nightside auroral oval into the magnetotail is investigated using DE-1 and -2 plasma data in combination with the Tsyganenko '89 and the Hilmer-Voigt'91 magnetic field models. In an attempt to clarify the relationship between magnetospheric regions and the BPS and CPS, data from the Low Altitude Plasma Instrument (LAPI) are used to determine the invariant latitude of the polar cap boundary, the poleward edge of the discrete aurora, the discrete-diffuse (BPS/CPS) auroral boundary, and the equatorward edge of the diffuse aurora. When these field lines are traced into the magnetotail, both models indicate that the region of discrete aurora (BPS) maps to an extended region (usually>20 RE in width) of the main portion of the plasma sheet outside the more dipolar, inner plasma sheet (CPS). Since BPS field lines map to such a wide range of neutral sheet crossing distances, we propose a less confusing and more descriptive terminology in which the term “BPS” is divided into two regions: the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer (PSBL) and the “IPS”, for Isotropic (Boundary) Plasma Sheet. Auroral zone-magnetotail topology is further examined by using data from the High Altitude Plasma Instrument (HAPI) to determine values of electron number density and temperatures at 1° intervals across the auroral zone. The corresponding field lines are traced into the magnetotail to a distance of-15RE and compared with magnetotail (10-25RE) mean plasma sheet ion densities and temperatures for low- and mid-activity levels from HUANG and FRANK (1986). We find a very good correspondence between the density and temperature measurements mapped from DE-1 altitudes and those measured in the mid-tail, suggesting that both models successfully reproduce the average magnetospheric configuration at this distance. The mean of the ion temperatures mapped with the Hilmer-Voigt model were slightly higher than those reported from the ISEE data, indicating that the model may be slightly too stretched. A significant region (between-5-7 RE) of overlap between the hotter ring current and the cooler, fresher plasma sheet is observable at DE-1; these hotter electrons are so anisotropic (with a trapped pancake distribution) that they are not observable at the 1000km altitude of DE-2.

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