P31(He3,pγ)S33andK39(He3,pγ)Ca41Reactions and theγDecay of Analog States inS33andCa41

Proton-γ-ray coincidence measurements have been made on the reactions P31(He3,pγ)S33 and K39(He3,pγ)Ca41 at incident He3 energies of 12 and 13 MeV. The protons were detected at 0° to the beam direction, thereby preferentially selecting L=0 transfers of neutron-proton pairs. A Ge(Li) detector at 90° detected the γ rays with good energy resolution. Angular distributions for the P31(He3,p)S33 reaction were measured with a magnetic spectrograph. These, together with previous results on the K39(He3,p)Ca41 reaction, gave precise information on the intensities of the states excited, as well as their energies. The main purpose of the experiments was to measure the γ decay of the lowest-lying isobaric analog states in S33 and Ca41. The analog state in S33 was found to decay primarily (85%) to the 842-keV level and secondarily (15%) to the ground state. The analog state in Ca41 decays in a more complex fashion to several states. The strongest transition (55%) is to the 4091-keV state. γ-ray decay schemes for several other low-lying even-parity levels in S33 and Ca41 were also measured. The observation that the 4091-keV level of Ca41 decays (34%) to the 72 ground state and (58%) to the 32+ level at 2009 keV suggests a 52+ assignment. The implications of the measurements are discussed, particularly with reference to the structure of low-lying two-particle-one-hole states in these nuclei.