Addendum: Systematics of moments of dipole oscillator-strength distributions for atoms in the first and second row

The values of S(1) and L(1), i.e., quantities related to straggling of particles given by Dehmer, Inokuti, and Saxon [Phys. Rev. A 12, 102 (1975)], are inaccurate within the Hartree-Slater model used in that work. Those values are too large by as much as several percent because of an overestimation of contributions from high excitation energies. Revised values of S(1) and L(1), accurate to about 1%, are presented and discussed in greater detail. They are now in closer agreement with other values of N, O, Ne, and Ar found in the literature. All the other S(μ) and L(μ) values given by Dehmer, Inokuti, and Saxon remain unchanged.