Microinjections (30–50 nl) of a horseradish peroxidase (HRP) suspension of 25% (wt./vol.) were made in different folia of the paramedian lobule of cats, and the sites of occurrence of labeled cells in the inferior olive were precisely determined. In each case only a small number of cells are labeled, aggregated in a minute area. The labeled cells are found within three only of the four olivary areas previously determined (Brodal et al., '75) to project onto the paramedian lobule (fig. 1): one area in the rostral half of the medial accessory olive, another in the dorsal accessory olive (except its caudalmost part), and a third in part of the caudal half of the dorsal lamella of the principal olive. Labeled cells were never found in the fourth area, the ventral lamella. A distinct zonal pattern in the projection is demonstrated (figs. 3, 5B): a middle longitudinal zone of the paramedian lobule receives olivary afferents from the area in the medial accessory olive, a medial zone from part of the projection area in the dorsal accessory olive, a lateral zone from part of the projection area in the dorsal lamella. This zonal projection appears to extend throughout the length of the paramedian lobule (the two caudalmost folia could not be studied). The somatotopical pattern in the projections from the accessory olives described previously (Brodal et al., '75) is confirmed. The pattern of a zonal projection obtained with the HRP-method (fig. 5B) is simpler than that deduced by Armstrong et al. ('74) from recordings of antidromic potentials in the olive (fig. 5A). Concerning main points there is satisfactory agreement. The phenomenon that following microinjections of HRP in superficial parts of the folia labeled cells occur within parts only of the regions of the olive which contain labeled cells following large HRP-injections in the paramedian lobule is discussed.