The AutoPap 300 QC system multicenter clinical trials for use in quality control rescreening of cervical smears

The AutoPap 300 QC System is an automated device for the analysis of conventional cervical cytology slides. The AutoPap selects an enriched population of cases for quality control review. These studies evaluated the overall sensitivity of AutoPap device to a wider variety of cytologic abnormalities than could be analyzed in the prospective portion of the clinical trials. At five clinical trial sites, positive cases were selected from: 1) archives (historic sensitivity study) or 2) current positive cases (current archive sensitivity study). Cases were analyzed by the AutoPap System along with matched negative cases and stratified into detection deciles by instrument score for each diagnostic category. For the historic sensitivity study, the percentages of cases present within the top 10% instrument scores were as follows: atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance (AGUS): 33.7% (n = 243); low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL): 57% (n = 412); high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL): 81.6% (n = 385); and carcinoma: 77.7% (n = 139). For the current archive sensitivity study, the percentage of cases within the top 10% of instrument scores were as follows: atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS): 37.6% (n = 205); AGUS: 27.3% (n = 22); LSIL: 53.7% (n = 410); HSIL: 80.7% (n = 202); and carcinoma: 62.5% (n = 8). Sensitivities at higher percentiles proportionately were greater. The AutoPap 300 QC System is detection sensitive, particularly at the level of LSIL and greater. When coupled with the data from the prospective intended use study, these results provided confirmation of the instrument's ability to enhance the false-negative detection rate significantly when compared with a 10% random case selection process. In addition, high sensitivities to all categories of abnormality suggest the possibility of using such instrumentation as a primary screening device for cervical cytology. Cancer (Cancer Cytopathol) 1997; 81:343-7. © 1997 American Cancer Society.