Displacement, particle velocity, and acceleration wave forms in the near field of a propagating fault have been computed by numerical integration of the Green's function integrals for an infinite medium. The displacement discontinuity (dislocation) on the fault plane is assumed to have the form of a unilaterally propagating finite ramp function in time. The calculated wave forms in the vicinity of the fault plane are quite similar to those observed at the strong motion station nearest the fault plane at the Parkfield earthquake. The comparison suggests that the propagating ramp time function is roughly representative of the main features of the dislocation motion on the fault plane, but that the actual motion has somewhat more high frequency complexity. Calculated amplitudes indicate that the average final dislocation on the fault at the Parkfield earthquake was more than an order of magnitude greater than the offsets observed on the visible surface trace. Computer generated wave form plots are presented for a variety of locations with respect to the fault plane and for two different assumptions on the relation between fault length and ramp function duration.

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