Succinic dehydrogenase activity of the respiratory muscles of a fresh-water teleost, Bagarius bagarius (Ham.) (Sisoridae, Pisces)

Functional morphology including the origin, insertion, and innervation of the respiratory muscles in relation to buccal pressure pump and opercular suction pumps in a fresh-water bottom dwelling siluroid fish, Bagarius bagarius have been studied. Histochemical studies were made on the succinic dehydrogenase activity of adductor mandibulae, retractor tentaculi, levator operculi, dilatator operculi, adductor operculi, intermandibularis, interhyoideus, hyohyoideus superior and constrictor branchialis. The intensity of reaction reveals the presence of three types of muscle fibres in some of the respiratory muscles. The muscle containing red muscle fibres are mostly innervated by the branches of the VIIth cranial nerve. The retractor tentaculi consists of superficial white muscle fibres and the interior part is dominated by red muscle fibres. The muscles (adductor operculi, levator operculi, dilatator operculi, interhyoideus, hyohyoideus superior) concerned with the opercular suction pumps are of mixed type and consist of white and red muscle fibres, whereas adductor mandibulae and intermandibularis are made up entirely of white muscle fibres. The adductor muscle bundles of the constrictor branchialis, which are responsible for movement of gill filaments, are dominated by the red muscle fibres. The abductor part, however, is made up entirely of white muscle fibres.

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