Use of a titanium mesh for cranioplasty following radical rostrotentorial craniectomy to remove an ossifying fibroma in a dog

Case Description—A 6-year-old Australian Terrier was evaluated for surgical removal of an ossifying fibroma of the left calvarium of 7 months' duration. Clinical Findings—Computed tomography revealed invasion of the mass through the left parietal bone and extension into the epidural space of the brain. Treatment and Outcome—A left rostrotentorial and frontal bone craniectomy was performed, and the mass was removed, along with a 1-cm margin of grossly normal bone. Cranioplasty was performed with a combination of porcine submucosa, titanium mesh, and screws. The dog recovered from surgery without complications and was discharged 3 days later. The dog was followed up for 24 months after surgery and has remained clinically normal. Clinical Relevance—Findings suggested that rostrotentorial craniectomy is a viable option for removal of benign tumors affecting the parietal bones in dogs. Reconstruction of the resulting defect in the calvarium is possible with a combination of porcine submucosa and rigid titanium mesh.