New information on parton distributions

New data on structure functions from deep-inelastic scattering provide new information on parton distributions, particularly in the 0.01<x<0.1 interval. This has important implications for predictions for the DESY ep collider HERA and for present and future high-energy hadron colliders. We present the results of updated fits to all available precision structure function and related data. We focus in particular on two issues: (a) the increase in the sea-quark distributions at small x implied by new F2 data from the New Muon Collaboration, and its implications for other processes, and (b) the evidence for SU(2)-symmetry breaking in the light-quark sea. We show that although good fits can be obtained with or without this symmetry breaking, more physically reasonable parton distributions are obtained if we allow d¯>u¯ at small x. With the inclusion of the latest deep-inelastic data we find αs(MZ)=0.1110.005+0.004. We also show how W, Z, and Drell-Yan production at p¯p colliders can give information on parton distributions.