Diagenetic K‐feldspar pseudomorphs in the Triassic Buntsandstein sandstones of the Iberian Range, Spain

Early diagenetic K‐feldspar in the Triassic Buntsandstein of the Iberian Range (Spain) occurs as pseudomorphs after detrital K‐feldspar (Or<93) and plagioclase (Ab99), untwinned, commonly heavily clouded by vacuoles and tiny inclusions, dark‐luminescing and are composed of numerous fine euhedral crystals of K‐feldspar. The latter property suggests that the pseudomorphs form via dissolution of detrital K‐feldspar and plagioclase and precipitation of authigenic K‐feldspar. X‐ray diffraction analysis shows that the authigenic K‐feldspar is intermediate microcline.