Inhibitory Control of the Abdominal Stretch Receptors of the Crayfish

Jansen, J. K. S., A. Njå, K. Ormstad and L. Walløe, Inhibitory control of the abdominal stretch receptors of the crayfish. IV Qbantitative description of the central coupling of the accessory reflex. Acta physiol. scand. 1971. 81. 484–491.The two accessory neurones have been reflexly activated from neighbouring ipsilateral stretch receptors. The firing frequencies of both increase with increasing input frequencies up to a saturation level which was higher for the thick accessory neurone. Inputs from different segments are summated. The frequency response of the reflex activation of the large accessory neurone has a maximal gain between 2 and 5 Hz. This is within the frequency range of normal movements.