Reliability of the Attitudes toward Women Scale

This study investigated the reliability of the 55-item, 25-item, and 15-item, Attitudes Toward Women Scales. A sample of 43 female college students, their mothers, and their grandmothers was used in Study 1. Five hundred eleven male and female college students were tested for Study 2. Cronbach alpha and Spearman-Brown split-half reliabilities were assessed for the 55, 25, and 15 scales in Study 1, and three-week test-retest, alpha and split-half reliabilities for the 15-item scales were determined in Study 2. In Study 1, the obtained alpha and split-half reliabilities for the 55-item scale were .92 and .93, respectively. For the 25-item scale, they were .89 and .86, respectively. For the 15-item scale, they were .85 and .86, respectively. In Study 2, the pretest alpha, pretest split-half, and test-retest reliabilities for the 15-item scale were .81, .83, and .86, respectively. It was concluded that the 15-item scale possesses high test-retest reliability. Sex differences in reliability and mean scores were presented and discussed. Mean scores were shown for three different age groups of women.