Isolation and immunologic characterization of a human. B-lymphocyte-specific, cell surface antigen.

In addition of HL-A antigens, another cell surface protein complex was obtained from membranes of the human B[bone marrow-derived]-lymphoblast cell line IM-1. This complex, which was solubilized with papain, consisted of polypeptides of 23,000 and 30,000 daltons (p23, 30). Rabbit antisera to this material precipitated from [35S]methionine-labeled detergent-solubilized cells, 3 proteins of 39,000, 34,000, and 29,000 daltons. These antisera were specifically cytotoxic for B lymphocytes of peripheral blood, for B-lymphoblast cell lines, and for EAC [erythrocyte-antibody-complement complex] rosette receptor-positive surface Ig[immunoglobulin]-negative (null) lymphocytes. The p23, 30 complex was not present on T [thymus-derived] lymphocytes, EAC rosette receptor-negative null lymphocytes or platelets. The p23, 30 complex from several cell lines inhibited alloantisera from multiparous Amish women which recognize non-HL-A, B-lymphocyte antigens. Some other properties of the anti-p23, 30 sera antisera were described.