Probing the Effects of Cone Potential in the Electrospray Ion Source: Consequences for the Determination of Molecular Weight Distributions of Synthetic Polymers

Shifts in the relative intensities of oligomer ions are found to accompany changes in the cone potential in the electrospray ion source, which introduce uncertainties into average molecular weight determinations for polymer distributions. Similar shifts with changes in cone potential have long been recognized in the multiple-charge distributions of proteins and other biomolecules. In the case of multiple-charge distributions of a single, or small number of, species there are no major consequences for calculation of molecular weight; however, mass distributions and the averages thereof, are of major concern with synthetic polymers and understanding the shifts in relative intensities becomes critically important. We report here an evaluation of the effects of cone potentials on the molecular weight distributions of synthetic polymers, which we compare with the effects on charge-state distributions of peptides. The effects of cone potential have been modeled mathematically, from which we conclude that cone potentials exert a focusing effect dependent on the mass-to-charge ratios of ions. It is largely this focusing effect that determines the dependence of oligomer ion intensities upon cone potential in the ESI mass spectra of polymers. The influence of cone potential on molecular weight determinations of polymers of varying polydispersities (Po) is compared and discussed. For polymers with low polydispersities (e.g., narrow molecular weight poly(ethyleneglycol) standards with Po < 1.5), the variation in molecular weight determinations tends to be small (typically <5%), whereas with synthetic polymers with polydispersities greater than 2, variations in cone potential can influence molecular weight determinations significantly (by 100% or even more).