The Free Energy of Ozone

The infrared spectrum of ozone is discussed. Gerhard's three fundamental frequencies, 528 cm—1, 1033 cm—1, and 1355 cm—1 are shown to be in somewhat imperfect agreement with experiment. They are nevertheless sufficiently reliable to justify a spectroscopic calculation of the free energy of ozone, in view of the unreliability of the experimental data. Ozone is found to be much less stable than experiment had shown; S298.1 = 57.0 cal./deg./mole, as compared with S273 = 86.5 based on e.m.f. measurement. The maximum partial pressure of O3 in an equilibrium mixture of O, O2, and O3 at a total pressure of 1 atm. is 1.0×10—6 atm. at 3400°K. The 1 percent ozone obtained by heating filaments to 2300°K in liquid oxygen must have been formed in the cold regions from atomic oxygen.