Transient Left Posterior Hemiblock

Four cases with transient electrocardiographic features which have been attributed to left posterior hemiblock (LPH) are reported. These features were induced by the exercise test in patients with severe coronary artery disease. In all of them the following exercise-induced changes were noted: (1) A shift of the main QRS forces inferiorly and to the right (between +90° and +120°). (2) A definite shift of the initial 0.02 QRS vectors superiorly and to the left, causing a small Q wave to appear in leads II, III, and aVF and/or to disappear from leads I and aVL. (3) A SIQIII pattern. (4) A leftward displacement of the precordial transition zone. (5) An increase of QRS duration in about 0.02 sec. Gradual disappearance of the exercise-induced axis shift was observed in all four cases and these findings were compatible with multiple degrees of "incomplete" LPH. The occurrence of transient LPH patterns was related to the development of acute, transient injury in the posteroinferior wall of the left ventricle in the presence of segmental or widespread coronary artery disease and chronic posteroinferior damage. Before the exercise test, two patients had electrocardiographic patterns suggesting old myocardial infarction and the other two had repolarization changes related to inferior myocardial ischemia according to the angiographic findings.