Suppose ε=F(v) is the energy of the lowest bound eigenstate of the Hamiltonian h^=Δ+vf(x), where f(x) is an attractive central potential. The Λ transform is defined by F=Λ{f} and the curve (v,F(v)) is called the "energy trajectory" of the problem. In this article it is shown that the energy trajectory of the linear combination f=Σi=1nαifi, αi0, is bounded by curves of the form v={Σi=1nαi[θi(s)]1}1, ε=vΣi=1nαiFi(θi(s))[θi(s)]1, where the curve parameter s>0, and each function θi(s) is defined by an equation Fi(θi)θiFi(θi)=s, which is solvable when fi is "elementary." For the lower bound, Fi=Λ{fi}, for the upper bound, Fi(v)=FiU(v) is the upper trajectory obtained by applying a trial function to the one-component problem Δ+vfi(x) and minimizing h^ with respect to a scale variable. Detailed recipes are given for the trajectory bounds corresponding to potentials which are arbitrary linear combinations of powers, logarithm, Hulthén, and sech2 in one or three dimensions. For the anharmonic oscillator