The Effect of Reminiscence Therapy on Family Coping

The purpose of this pretest-posttest experimental study was to determine if participating in six reminiscence therapy sessions would increase family coping strategies of individuals with chronic renalfailure and their significant others. Reminiscence therapy involved recalling and sharing positive and pleasant past events and experiences, and it was guided by the investigator. Thirty-six participants, including 18 elderly individuals (65 years or older) with chronic renal failure, and their significant others were randomly obtainedfrom three outpatient hemodialysis centers. Participants completed the Family Crisis Oriented Personal Evaluation Scales (F-COPES) before and after participating in six weekly sessions of reminiscence therapy in their homes. Statistical analysis revealed a statistically significant increase (t = 2.94, p <.003) in posttest F-COPES scores. Findings indicate that reminiscence therapy positively affects family coping.

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