New Insulin-Like Proteins with Atypical Disulfide Bond Pattern Characterized in Caenorhabditis elegans by Comparative Sequence Analysis and Homology Modeling

We have identified three new families of insulin homologs inCaenorhabditis elegans. In two of these families, concerted mutations suggest that an additional disulfide bond links B and A domains, and that the A-domain internal disulfide bond is substituted by a hydrophobic interaction. Homology modeling remarkably confirms these predictions and shows that despite this atypical disulfide bond pattern and the absence of C-like peptide, all these proteins may adopt the same fold as the insulin. Interestingly, whereas we identified 10 insulin-like peptides, only one insulin-like-receptor (daf-2) has been found. We propose that these insulin-related peptides may correspond to different activators or inhibitors of the daf-2insulin-regulating pathway.