Perturbative QCD study ofBD(*)decays

We compute various form factors involved in BD(*) transitions based on the perturbative QCD formalism, which includes Sudakov effects from the resummation of large radiative corrections in a heavy-light system. A two-parameter model wave function for D(*) mesons is fixed using data of the nonleptonic decays BD(*)π, from which the ratio of the decay constants fD*/fD=0.92 is obtained. We then derive the spectrum of the semileptonic decay BD*lν in the fast recoil region of the D* meson, and extract the CKM matrix element ‖Vcb‖=0.043×(0.12 GeV/fB)×(0.14 GeV/fD), fB and fD being the B and D meson decay constants, respectively. Here we adopt the convention with the pion decay constant fπ=93 MeV. With these outcomes, we evaluate the decay rate of BDDs, and estimate the ratio fDs/fD=0.98 from data. Contributions of internal W-emission and W-exchange diagrams are briefly discussed. © 1996 The American Physical Society.