Rearing Larvae of the Leaf-Cutter BeeMegachile Rotundataon Artificial Diets

Summary Larvae of the alfalfa leaf-cutter bee were reared on four diets in the laboratory: (1) pollen, (2) pollen-free commercial pollen substitute, (3) synthetic, (4) synthetic + pollen. Larvae given the diets from the age of 2–3 days all produced normal adults; larvae fed on pollen were significantly larger at maturity than undisturbed control larvae in cells; those fed on diets (2) and (4) were significantly smaller. Larvae fed on diet (4) were significantly smaller than those in all other groups. Larvae reared from the egg stage on diets (1), (2) and (4) produced normal adults, but those on diet (3) failed to reach pupation. The relative weights at maturity of these larvae were: diet (1) > control > diets (2) and (4).