Magnetoelastic Effects in KMnF3

Measurements on KMnF3 have revealed several anomalies in the magnetic susceptibility near TN=87.9 °K. When a crystal is cooled below TN a small field-dependent susceptibility component, saturating at ∼ 100 Oe, is seen; near TN1°K this component disappears; it is much weaker upon subsequent warming, but recovers when the sample is again cooled from slightly above TN; a negative-field hysteresis and a low-frequency oscillatory behavior are also observed. Since this anomaly is much smaller in powdered samples, it is assumed to be associated with a weak moment induced by residual local stresses, caused by the crystallographic distortion at TN. A more basic property of the bulk material, seen in all samples, is an increase of ∼8% in the antiferromagnetic susceptibility below TN; the data are inconsistent with an exchange-magnetostriction mechanism. Many of the experimental results, including those of Heeger, Beckman, and Portis can be explained in terms of a magneto-elastic coupling mechanism. When the effective elastic constant, for strains which result in magnetic canting, is very low, then a large enhancement in the transverse antiferromagnetic susceptibility is expected, and a field-induced canting transition can occur. This transition and the first-order canting transition at Tc82°K will occur in the present model only if a stable crystallographic state with a spontaneous strain exists independently of magnetic interactions, at low temperatures. In samples of decreasing particle size, the width and thermal hysteresis of the canting transition increase until in particles ∼ 25 μm and smaller, the canted state can persist up to TN. The measured canted moment at 77 °K is 9.6 emu/mole, approximately half the low-temperature value, which suggests that the canting angle of the antiferromagnetic sublattices is practically constant below Tc. It is proposed that an observed abrupt decrease in the ultrasonic attenuation below Tc is due to magnetoelastic propagation of sound waves across the crystallographic domain walls, which above Tc cause a large amount of scattering and attenuation.