Meat Extracts Attractive to Scavenger Vespula in Eastern North America (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)

A horsemeat-based carnivore food, Nebraska Brands Feline Food (NBFF), was found to be much more attractive to workers of Vespula germanica (F.) and V. maculifrons (Buysson)than several meat-based pet foods currently used in toxic bait abatement programs. Solvent extracts made from NBFF were also strongly attractive, with the ethanol fraction being the most attractive. The combined extract fractions of NBFF were as attractive as whole NBFF. Performance of relatively unattractive meat products was enhanced after addition of various extract fractions made from NBFF. Possible applications of extract fractions as alternatives to chemical lures, i.e., heptyl butyrate, are discussed as they relate to yellow jacket abatement.