GiantE1resonance inO16observed with the reactionN15(p,γ0)O16

The giant electric dipole resonance based on the ground state (O+) of O16 has been studied with the reaction N15(p,γ0)O16 from Ep=8.6 to 18.0 MeV (Eγ=20.2 to 29.0 MeV). The E1 strength in (γ,p0) is concentrated between Eγ=20 and 29 MeV where it exhausts about 15% of the E1 sum rule. Major peaks are displayed at 22.2 and 25.0 MeV and secondary structure at 21.0, 22.9, and in the 24 MeV region. The angular distributions indicate predominantly dipole radiation and are fairly constant over the entire range, except in the region of the secondary peaks where the coefficient of P2(cosθ) displays striking interference effects. This behavior supports the suggestion that these structures are due to interference between more complex states and the simple particle-hole configurations of the E1 resonance. The value of the coefficient of P2(cosθ) can be used to restrict greatly the allowed configurations of the p0 channel—the solution is predominantly either d32 wave or s12 wave. The presence of terms in P1(cosθ) and P3(cosθ) indicates significant E2 strength which increases above the E1 resonance. Data are also presented on the reactions N15(p,γ1γ4)O16 and N15(p,αγ15.1)C12.