Comparison of Four Latex Agglutination (LA) and Three Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA) for the Detection of Rotavirus in Fecal Specimens

Eighty-two stool specimens obtained from children with gastrointestinal disease were tested for the presence of antigen to rotavirus by latex agglutination (LA) (Virogen® (VR), Meritec® (MER), Wellcome® (WEL), Slidex Rotatest® (SRT), and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (Rotaclone® [TRC], Rotazyme II® [RTZ], Pathfinder® [PTH]). Confirmatory testing was performed by isolation of rotavirus from stool specimens with the use of a shell vial centrifugation, antigen-detection tissue culture amplification method. The sensitivities and negative predictive values of VR, MER, WEL, SRT, TRC, RTZ, and PTH tests were 85, 89, 95, 91, 98, and 100%, respectively. Each test demonstrated 100% specificity and positive predictive values except the SRT, which attained a specificity of 95%. The WEL LA test may be used as a preliminary rapid screening assay following a stat request. The Kallestad PTH ELISA, however, was determined to be the rotavirus antigen detection kit of choice for routine laboratory diagnostic testing.

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