Magnetic properties of sputter deposited GdCoCu amorphous bubble films

Amorphous films of the ternary alloys GdCoCu are attractive candidates for bubble device applications. We report the results of measurements on rf sputter deposited films of GdCoCu. The magnetic properties of the films were studied by polar Kerr rotation, stripe width and vibrating sample magnetometer measurements. The more promising compositions (nominally Gd14Co63 Cu 23) suppport 1.3μm stripe domains, and generally had moderately high quality factors of Q=7.9 with 4πM=930 gauss and a characteristic length l=0.13μm. The stripe collapse field of these films was 750 Oe. At room temperature, the polar Kerr rotation hystersis loop shows a minimum ’’residual’’ coercivity of Hc∠2 Oe, which may be process limited. The data indicate that the copper additive does not dilute the transition metal sublattice magnetization as rapidly as does molybdenum.

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