Mesophilic aerobic Gram negative cellulose degrading bacteria from aquatic habitats and soils

New procedures have been developed for the isolation and purification of aerobic and facultatively anaerobic bacteria able to utilize cellulose as sole source of carbon and energy. Wood pulp medium was used for enrichment, and bacterial cellulose, obtained from cultures of Acetobacter aceti subsp. xylinus, was employed as carbon substrate during purification and for the rapid screening of colonies for cellulolytic activity. The methods have revealed several new groups of Gram negative cellulose‐degrading bacteria, including organisms that form differentiated colonies superficially similar to myxobacterial sori. The organisms formed several phenetic clusters, three of which contained reference strains of Cellvibrio fulvus, Pseudomonas fluorescens var. cellulosa and Cytophaga hutchinsonii. No cellulose degrading cluster included non‐cellulose degrading strains. Most of the cellulose degraders studied were flagellated and, of these, the majority had polar or lophotrichous flagella, although one cluster included peritrichously flagellated organisms. The cellulose degraders in this study included five organisms that grew on nitrate‐free medium; these appeared in two different clusters. A few Gram positive isolates appeared to belong to the genera Streptomyces and Thermoactinomyces.