We comment on the reweighting method for the study of finite density lattice QCD. We discuss the applicable parameter range of the reweighting method for models that have more than one simulation parameter. The applicability range is determined by the fluctuations of the modification factor of the Boltzmann weight. In some models having a first order phase transition, the fluctuations are minimized along the phase transition line if we assume that the pressure in the hot and the cold phases is balanced at the first order phase transition point. This suggests that the reweighting method with two parameters is applicable in a wide range for the purpose of tracing out the phase transition line in the parameter space. To confirm the usefulness of the reweighting method for two-flavor QCD, the fluctuations of the reweighting factor are measured by numerical simulations for the cases of reweighting in the quark mass and chemical potential directions. The relation to the phase transition line is discussed. Moreover, the sign problem caused by the complex phase fluctuations is studied.