Programmable Selectivity for GC with Series-Coupled Columns Using Pulsed Heating of the Second Column

A series-coupled ensemble of a nonpolar dimethyl polysiloxane column and a polar trifluoropropylmethyl polysiloxane column with independent at-column heating is used to obtain pulsed heating of the second column. For mixture component bands that are separated by the first column but coelute from the column ensemble, a temperature pulse is initiated after the first of the two components has crossed the column junction point and is in the second column, while the other component is still in the first column. This accelerates the band for the first component. If the second column cools sufficiently prior to the second component band crossing the junction, the second band experiences less acceleration, and increased separation is observed for the corresponding peaks in the ensemble chromatogram. High-speed at-column heating is obtained by wrapping the fused-silica capillary column with resistance heater wire and sensor wire. Rapid heating for a temperature pulse is obtained with a short-duration linear heating ramp of 1000 °C/min. During a pulse, the second-column temperature increases by 20−100 °C in a few seconds. Using a cold gas environment, cooling to a quiescent temperature of 30 °C can be obtained in ∼25 s. The effects of temperature pulse initiation time and amplitude on ensemble peak separation and resolution are described. A series of appropriately timed temperature pulses is used to separate three coeluting pairs of components in a 13-component mixture.